Evidence base

In this evidence base you can find relevant research and reports that are at the base of the work of Free Press Unlimited. Use the search filters to find what you need, or use “SEARCH” in the top menu.

Found 482 Results | Page 18 of 41
Source Year Country Organisation Author
How our partners help women in media reach the top 2019 Mali, Nigeria, Somalia Free Press Unlimited Free Press Unlimited
Hostile Bytes; A study of online violence against women journalists 2019 Pakistan Media Matters for Democracy Kamran, H.
Journalism in Conflict and Post-Conflict Conditions 2019 Afghanistan, Burundi, Colombia, Libya, Nepal, South Sudan Nordicom Orgeret , K.S. & Tayeebwa, W. (eds.)
Media Capture in Europe 2019 Global Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF) Dragomir, M.
Press Freedom and Global State of Democracy Indices 2019 Global International IDEA International IDEA
Revenue Roles in Local News: Case Studies from Exemplary Civic News Organizations 2019 United States of America American Journalism Project American Journalism Project
Nigeria: A mentorship programme for journalists in Borno ‘broadens their horizon’ 2019 Nigeria Free Press Unlimited Free Press Unlimited
Lessons in Innovation: How International News Organisations Combat Disinformation Through Mission-Driven Journalism 2019 Global Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism Posetti, J. et al.
Media Development and the Open Government Partnership: Can Improved Policy Dialogue Spur Media Reforms? 2019 Global Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA) Rothman, P.
Medill News Leaders Project 2019: Sustaining the Business of Local Journalism 2019 United States of America Northwestern Medill Northwestern Medill
Photojournalists in Central America bring women into focus with gender fellowship 2019 Guatemala Free Press Unlimited Free Press Unlimited
Financing Dies in Darkness? The Impact of Newspaper Closures on Public Finance 2019 United States of America Gao, P. et al.