Evidence base

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Found 482 Results | Page 40 of 41
Source Year Country Organisation Author
Global Report on the Status of Women in News Media 2011 Global International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF) Byerly, C.M.
Independent Media in Exile 2011 Global Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA) Ristow, B.
Do Informed Voters Make Better Choices? Experimental Evidence from Urban India 2011 India Banerjee, A. et al.
Media and Political Persuasion: Evidence from Russia 2011 Russia Enikolopov, R. et al.
Public Sentinel: News Media & Governance Reform 2010 Global World Bank Group Norris, P.
Deference, Dissent, and Dispute Resolution: An Experimental Intervention Using Mass Media to Change Norms and Behavior in Rwanda 2009 Rwanda Paluck, E. & Green, D.
Inequality and Media Capture 2008 Global Petrova, M.
Community Media and Women: Transforming Silence into Speech 2006 Global Pavarala, V. et al.
Gender in the Information Society: Emerging Issues, Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme, Bangkok 2006 Global United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Gurumurthy, A. et al.
Fighting Corruption to Improve Schooling: Evidence From a Newspaper Campaign in Uganda 2005 Uganda World Bank Group Reinikka, R. & Svensson, J.
Media Capture in a Democracy: The Role of Wealth Concentration 2005 Corneo, G.
The Right to Tell : The Role of Mass Media in Economic Development 2002 Global World Bank World Bank