Evidence base

In this evidence base you can find relevant research and reports that are at the base of the work of Free Press Unlimited. Use the search filters to find what you need, or use “SEARCH” in the top menu.

Found 482 Results | Page 30 of 41
Source Year Country Organisation Author
Beyond the Stereotypes? Images of Boys and Girls, and their Consequences 2017 Global Nordicom Lemish, D. & Götz, M.
Mobile journalism leads to opportunities and changes in Zimbabwe 2017 Zimbabwe Free Press Unlimited Verboom, N.M.
Advocating for Openness: Nine Ways Civil Society Groups Have Mobilized to Defend Internet Freedom 2017 Global Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA) Oh, S.
Community Radio Stops Child Marriage 2017 Bangladesh Free Press Unlimited Brandsma, T.
Lessons on Building Lasting Revenue and Relationships through Crowdfunding Campaigns 2017 Global Local News Lab Stearns, J.
Journalism in the Central African Republic not without danger 2017 Central African Republic Free Press Unlimited Schilder, J.
An Attack on One is an Attack on All: Successful Initiatives to Protect Journalists and Combat Impunity 2017 Global UNESCO/IPDC Kilman, L.
Journalists and Safety Training: Experiences and Opinions 2017 Global Dart Center for Journalism & Trauma Research Lab Shapiro, B. (Ed.)
More and more women give colour to community radio in Bangladesh 2017 Bangladesh Free Press Unlimited Rooijen, L. and de Blocq van Schelting, J.
Gender in Myanmar News 2017 Myanmar Myanmar Womens Journalist Society (MWJS), International Media Support, Fojo Media Institute Swindon, E.
Coaching in Syria: mixing war and wedding ceremonies 2017 Syria Free Press Unlimited Verboom, N.M.
From the Web to the Streets: Internet and Protests under Authoritarian Regimes 2017 Tunisia Ruijgrok, K.