Evidence base

In this evidence base you can find relevant research and reports that are at the base of the work of Free Press Unlimited. Use the search filters to find what you need, or use “SEARCH” in the top menu.

Found 482 Results | Page 4 of 41
Source Year Country Organisation Author
A White Paper on Youth and Media 2022 Syria Free Press Unlimited (FPU) Free Press Unlimited (FPU)
Supporting Belarusian Media: Quality, Diversity, Reach 2022 Belarus DW Akademie Galina Malishevskaya
PRIMED Media Viability Learning Brief 2022 Global Free Press Unlimited, BBC Media Action, The Communication Initiative, Global Forum for Media Development, International Media Support, Media Development Investment Fund Edited by Randall, M.
Audience and Market Research in El Salvador / Estudio de mercado y audiencias de medios de comunicación en América Central: El Salvador 2022 El Salvador Free Press Unlimited A-01 (A Company / A Foundation)
Saving Journalism 2: Global Strategies and a Look at Investigative Journalism 2022 Global Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Schiffrin, A. et al.
Audience and Media Market Research in Guatemala / Estudio de mercado y audiencias de medios de comunicación en América Central: Guatemala 2022 Guatemala Free Press Unlimited A-01 (A Company / A Foundation)
Safety of Women Journalists in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Perceptions, Experience and Understanding of Safety and Gendered Safety Risks 2022 Bosnia-Herzegovina Free Press Unlimited Aziz, M., Josimovic, N. & Mednansky, A.
Making Big Tech Pay for the News They Use 2022 Global The Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA) RADSCH, C.
To Recovery and Beyond: 2021 UNESCO Report on Public Access to Information (SDG 16.10.2) 2022 Global UNESCO UNESCO
Global Study: Gender Equality and Media Regulation 2022 Armenia, Bangladesh, Global, Rwanda, Somalia, Sweden, Zimbabwe Fojo Media Institute Barata Mir, J. & Macharia, S.
Women in the Media of Sudan and South Sudan 2021 South Sudan, Sudan Radio Tamazuj, Radio Dabanga, University College Maastricht Agnello, C. & Roberto, M.
Digital News Report 2021 2021 Global The Reuters Institute Newman, N. et al.