In this chapter, a number of international data sources are listed that can be used as input for the shadow report. Apart from these international sources, there are most likely regional and national data sources that could be used for the shadow report. These could include ministries or government institutes that are responsible for ensuring access to information and/or the implementation and monitoring of the SDGs, such as the national statistical offices.
- Specific to indicator 16.10.1 UNESCO collects relevant data for the monitoring of the implementation of SDG 16.10, including:
- The UNESCO Observatory of killed journalists
- World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development report (2017/2018)
- UNESCO Director-General’s Report on the Safety of Journalists and the Danger of Impunity
- The Report is a unique mechanism within the UN system for monitoring the killings of journalists. The report is submitted every two years to the IPDC’s Intergovernmental Council. This is an occasion for Member States to take stock of global developments and discuss challenges linked to promoting the safety of journalists and combating impunity.
- Specific to indicator 16.10.2: RTI Rating by the Centre for Law and Democracy: This global Right to Information Rating measures the strength of the legal framework for the right to access information held by public authorities.
The websites of the aforementioned International and Regional Mechanisms are important data sources containing comments on legislation and policy and annual, country and thematic reports. Other international sources include:
- Universal Periodic Review: This webpage by the United Nations provides all relevant information and documentation on the Universal Periodic Review (UPR).
- The Sustainable Development Report is a global assessment of countries’ progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. It is a complement to the official SDG indicators and the voluntary national reviews.
International civil society actors also provide structured data:
- provides information about the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process and how to participate and includes a database of UPR recommendations and States’ voluntary pledges.
- Universal Human Rights Index (UHRI): The UHRI allows you to explore over 170.000 observations and recommendations made by the international human rights protection system. It is possible to search per country to see the observations and recommendations made with regards to different human rights themes, including freedom of expression and access to information. There is also the possibility to search for those observations and recommendations that concern specific people or groups, which include the option ‘media’ and ‘human rights defenders and activists’. The database automatically links this to the relevant SDG.
- The SDG-Human Rights Data Explorer by the Danish Institute for Human Rights, is a searchable database that links monitoring information from the international human rights system to the Goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It allows users to explore the recommendations and observations of international human rights monitoring bodies, as they relate to the implementation of the SDGs and their 169 targets in specific countries.
- The Human Rights Guide to the SDGs, by the Danish Institute for Human Rights, is an online database – available in 7 languages – that allows users to identify the links between SDGs and international and regional human rights instruments, labour standards and key environmental instruments.