Evidence base

In this evidence base you can find relevant research and reports that are at the base of the work of Free Press Unlimited. Use the search filters to find what you need, or use “SEARCH” in the top menu.

Found 482 Results | Page 39 of 41
Source Year Country Organisation Author
Is Information Power? Using Mobile Phones and Free Newspapers during an Election in Mozambique 2013 Mozambique Aker, J. et al.
Community Radio, Gender and ICTs in West Africa: A Comparative Study of Women’s Participation in Community Radio Through Mobile Phone Technologies 2013 Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone Nokoko, Institute of African Studies Fortune, F. & Chungong, C.
Fragile States: The Role of Media and Communication 2013 Afghanistan, Iraq, Kenya, Somalia BBC Media Action Deane, J.
Is There a Link Between Digital Media and Good Governance? 2012 Global Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA) Myers, M.
Is There a Link Between Media and Good Governance? What the Academics Say 2012 Global Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA) Myers, M.
Civil Society, Aid and Development: A Cross-Country Analysis 2012 Global Policy and Operations Evaluation Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs (IOB) Staveren, I. van, and Webbink, E.
Does Gender Determine Journalists’ Professional Views? A Reassessment Based on Cross-National Evidence 2012 Australia, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Egypt, Germany, Indonesia, Israel, Mexico, Romania, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Uganda Hanitzsch, T. & Hanusch, F.
Financially Viable Media in Emerging and Developing Markets 2011 Global WAN-IFRA WAN-IFRA
Newspapers and Parties: How Advertising Revenues Created an Independent Press 2011 United States of America Petrova, M.
Global Report on the Status of Women in News Media 2011 Global International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF) Byerly, C.M.
Independent Media in Exile 2011 Global Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA) Ristow, B.
Do Informed Voters Make Better Choices? Experimental Evidence from Urban India 2011 India Banerjee, A. et al.