Is There a Link Between Digital Media and Good Governance?

The report investigates whether there is a link between new digital technologies and good governance and what, if any, are the connections between digitally equipped populations and political change. It approaches these questions by examining what some key academics say on the matter. This paper is a follow-on from a previous CIMA report by the same author, Is There a Link Between Media and Good Governance? What the Academics Say, which profiled a number of key academics and their research on the links between traditional media and governance. This report turns, instead, to digital media and brings a selection of some key academic writing to a non-academic audience.

Author: Dr Mary Myers.

Year Country Organisation Author Type
2012 Global Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA) Myers, M. research report
Theory of Change Keywords Download/link
Intermediate Outcome 2 accountability, agenda setting, digital, watchdog journalism Download/link