Evidence base

In this evidence base you can find relevant research and reports that are at the base of the work of Free Press Unlimited. Use the search filters to find what you need, or use “SEARCH” in the top menu.

Found 482 Results | Page 11 of 41
Source Year Country Organisation Author
Good Practices Compendium on Combating Corruption in the Response to COVID-19 2020 Global United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) UNODC
Radios in the post-pandemic world – tools and strategies to confront the new normal 2020 Latin America Deutsche Welle Akademie Binder, I. & Gago, S.
Donor Aid and Private Investment: Their Interplay With Media Development 2020 Africa Nyarko, J. et al.
Media Pluralism Monitor 2020: Hungary country report 2020 Hungary Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, European University Insitute Attila, B. et al.
A Gathering Storm: The Laws Being Used to Silence the Media 2020 Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Europe, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom Index on Censorship Mhainín, J.N.
Balancing Act: Countering Digital Disinformation While Respecting Freedom of Expression 2020 Global Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development Bontcheva, K. & Posetti, J. (eds.)
The Rise of Internet Throttling: A Hidden Threat to Media Development 2020 India, Jordan, Venezuela CIMA Woodhams, S.
COVID-19 Vaccines and Corruption Risks: Preventing Corruption in the Manufacture, Allocation and Distribution of Vaccines 2020 Global United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) UNODC
Launching a membership program: Lessons from the frontline 2020 South Africa Daily Maverick Charalambous, S.
Digital News Report 2020 2020 Global Reuters Institute Newman, N. et al.
The Right to Information in Times of Crisis: Access to Information – Saving Lives, Building Trust, Bringing Hope! 2020 Global UNESCO UNESCO
The Wisdom of the Crowd: Promoting Media Development through Deliberate Initiatives 2020 Ireland, Malawi, Mexico, United States of America Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA) Matasick, C.