December 24, 2019

Press Freedom and Global State of Democracy Indices

International IDEA has related a number of Freedom of Expression and Media […]

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December 24, 2019

Production and Use of Independent Media: Road to Government Accountability

This study addresses the question to what extent independent media contributes to […]

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December 24, 2019

Digital News Report 2018

In the 2018 Digital News Report, conclusions are drawn from a sample […]

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December 24, 2019

Rewrite Her Story: How Film and Media Stereotypes Affect the Lives and Leadership Ambitions of Girls and Young Women

This report analyses the the 56 top-grossing films from across 20 countries. […]

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December 24, 2019

Media Capture in Europe

The collusion between the political class and media owners has reached unprecedented […]

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December 24, 2019

Media Development and the Open Government Partnership: Can Improved Policy Dialogue Spur Media Reforms?

This report maps the entry points for media reformers in the Open […]

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December 24, 2019

Measuring the Business Side: Indicators to Assess Media Viability

UNESCO and Deutsche Welle Akademie have developed indicators to assess media viability. […]

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December 24, 2019

More than Money! Rethinking Media Viability in the Digital Age

This Deutsche Welle Akademie paper presents a new model for media ­viability. […]

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December 24, 2019

Measuring the Audience: Why It Matters to Independent News Media and How It Can Contribute to Media Development

Audience research in its many forms is the glue that helps create […]

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December 24, 2019

Media4Democracy – Developing Technical Assistance Packages for EU Delegations

Free Press Unlimited developed technical assistance packages for EU delegations – the […]

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December 24, 2019

Media and Democratisation: What is known about the role of mass media in transitions to democracy

This report explores what is known about the roles of the mass […]

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December 24, 2019

Freedom of Change – A theoretical study of the intermediate outcomes of the Theory of Change of Free Press Unlimited

The following research report by students of the Erasmus University is a […]

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