March 30, 2021

Evaluation report of the Money Trail project

This report represents the external evaluation of the Money Trail project, implemented […]

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March 30, 2021

State of Internet Freedom in Africa 2019. Mapping trends in government internet controls, 1999-2019

This research documents government controls that limit digital space and Internet Freedom […]

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March 30, 2021

The Global Expression Report 2019/2020: The state of freedom of expression around the world

Based on a set of 25 indicators across 161 countries, this report […]

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March 23, 2021

Fighting Disinfodemic in Central Africa: Fact-checkers Experience Against Covid-19 Fake News

This qualitative study asks the questions: How are online journalists fighting the […]

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March 23, 2021

Central African Republic: Coronavirus and the Media

In fragile states such as the Central African Republic, the COVID-19 pandemic […]

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March 22, 2021

The Rise of Internet Throttling: A Hidden Threat to Media Development

Internet throttling, a deliberate act of government actors to slow down internet […]

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March 22, 2021

The Impact of Digital Platforms on News and Journalistic Content

In 2020, the Australian government sought to formulate an answer through regulatory […]

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March 22, 2021

Double Trouble: Resilience to Fake News at the Time of Covid-19 Infodemic

The Media Literacy Index was created in 2017 as a response to […]

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February 11, 2021

Assessing the freedom of expression of Syrian refugee media outlets

Assessment of the freedom of expression of seven Syrian media outlets that […]

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February 2, 2021

Internal Evaluation Reporters Respond and Legal Defense Fund (2018-2019)

This report presents the findings of the internal evaluation of Reporters Respond […]

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January 19, 2021

Why the business model of social media giants like Facebook is incompatible with human rights

Human rights abuses might be embedded in the business model that has […]

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January 4, 2021

Journalism Without Fear or Favour: Background Paper on Safety Challenges of Journalists in Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia

The regional World Press Freedom Online Conference 2020 was held in Jakarta, […]

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