The Global Expression Report 2019/2020: The state of freedom of expression around the world

Based on a set of 25 indicators across 161 countries, this report reflects the rights of journalists, media activists and individuals and communities at large to access information and communicate freely. According to the report, ‘freedom of expression has fallen to its lowest score since 2009’. Countries are ranked across 5 categories ranging from ‘Open’ to ‘In Crisis’. 51% of the global population lives in a country rated as ‘in Crisis’. The report offers four suggestions to protect freedom of expression by 1.) strengthening the media,  2.), protesting, 3.) implementing social media councils, and 4.) using the right to information.

Year Country Organisation Author Type
2020 Global Article 19 Article 19 trend report
Theory of Change Keywords Download/link
Intermediate Outcome 1 censorship, civil society, freedom of expression, harassment, regulation Download/link