Resources, manuals, guidelines

To get started in improving journalism for peacebuilding, there already are a lot of online resources which are easily accessible and offer a great deal of information.

United Nations Peace-building Fund

The United Nations Peace-Building Fund offers support for initiatives which are adding to peacebuilding in post-conflict zones. They specifically acknowledge the importance of journalists and encourage the improvement of journalistic conduct.

Conflict Sensitive Journalism Guide

On page 16 of the report, journalists can find a checklist with relevant ways of going about journalism in conflict/post-conflict situations which can help to facilitate peacebuilding.

Hirondelle Foundation

The Hirondelle Foundation offers some useful resources for journalists in conflict/post-conflict situations.

IJF Global Ethics Charter for Journalists

The International Federation of Journalists introduced a global ethics charter for journalistic conduct which is useful to understand basic journalist conduct.

Conflict-Sensitive Journalism Research Conference

An event which teaches Conflict Sensitive Reporting for journalists worldwide. The website offers future events plus abstracts with information about Conflict-Sensitive Reporting.