August 7, 2020

Righting Gender Wrongs: A Study of Law Enforcement Responses to Online Violence Against Women

This exploratory research study of gender-based cyber violence was led by IT […]

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August 7, 2020

For Investigative Journalists in Indonesia ‘the Threats are Real’

When Indonesian journalist Nurhadi’s investigation into toxic waste at military bases raised […]

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August 7, 2020

Online Safety for Female Journalists in Pakistan

The Digital Rights Foundation in Pakistan, with the support of Free Press […]

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August 6, 2020

Tracker Registers Violence against Journalists in Nigeria

Violence and threats against journalists are a frequently occurring phenomenon in Nigeria. […]

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August 3, 2020

Safety of Journalists and the Fighting of Corruption in the EU

Journalism and journalists face a growing range of threats, including violence and […]

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July 31, 2020

Combating Violence against Women Journalists

Pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 41/17, the Special Rapporteur on violence […]

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July 28, 2020

Een onveilig klimaat – onderzoek bedreigingen van vrouwelijke journalisten (research to threats of female journalists)

This factsheet (in Dutch) shows the results of research to the safety […]

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June 9, 2020

The Fight Against Impunity

This is an internal evaluation of FPU’s international advocacy programme 2013-2018, which […]

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May 24, 2020

Reporters Respond

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May 24, 2020

Legal Defense Fund

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April 7, 2020

Safe and responsible reporting on COVID-19

In the light of the COVID-19 crisis, this page provides an overview of resources for journalists who are covering COVID-19: information on how to report responsibly, and how to take care of one’s well-being during this crisis.

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March 19, 2020

Targeting the Messenger: Journalists Ensnared by National Security Legislation

Index on Censorship’s Mapping Media Freedom project, which monitors violations against media […]

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