Lost in Europe

Target group

Unaccompanied child migrants in Europe, especially those that have gone missing.

Country Partners Budget Duration
Global VersPers, Defence for Children NL 1,485,000 EUR January 2020 - June 2022
Theory of Change Themes Donor
Intermediate Outcome 1, Intermediate Outcome 2, Intermediate Outcome 3 Access to Information, Accountability


Thousands of migrant children go missing in Europe upon arrival.

Overall objective

Power holders take effective measures to combat the disappearance of thousands of migrant children in Europe. This objective would be reached because of the investigative Lost In Europe stories from journalists and the pressure from the lobbying and advocacy efforts of CSO activists, who are also joined in this endeavour by motivated European citizens. The project’s ultimate vision is to ensure that unaccompanied child migrants in Europe are protected and can rely on safe shelter with access to health, education and legal protection.

Intended outcomes

  • Expose the issue through publishing stories and cases – qualified, independent journalists will generate political and public awareness
  • Mobilise the public so that citizens can assist in investigative and lobbying efforts – citizens can assist journalists in tracking the children and increasing awareness
  • Influence policy makers with the help of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) – CSOs can harness the evidence from journalists to advocate for placing the protection of vulnerable child migrants high on the political agenda


Here are some of the planned activities for the project:

– Story development (research, publications) by Lost in Europe journalists
– Training  and data bootcamps for Lost in Europe journalists
– Expand the network of Lost in Europe journalists (number and locations)
– Create new website to share stories and interact with public (including participation app)
– Secure work environment for Lost in Europe journalists (led by FPU)
– Network meeting for children’s rights organisations (led by Defence for Children)
– Lobby & advocacy by children’s rights organisations at national and European level, based on stories/publications of Lost in Europe journalists

Achieved outputs

So far, 2 coalitions or networks have been formed/ supported.

Achieved outcomes

Some other anticipated outcomes which FPU expects to be achieved as the project progresses include:

  • broadcasting impactful radio and TV programmes
  • publishing impactful stories both online and in print
  • train journalists in children’s rights, digital safety and working with traumatised children


Role of FPU

FPU is the lead-partner in this consortium, together with VersPers (representing the journalist collective Lost in Europe), and Defence for Children NL.

More information

Lost in Europe website (Dutch)