Improving Monitoring for Crimes Against Journalists: Report on Monitoring Workshop

This report is part of a UNESCO-financed project entitled “Improving monitoring for crimes against journalists”, which fits into the framework of the wider SDG 2030 Agenda.

The first pillar of this project was a survey and in-depth interviews with civil society organisations involved in monitoring violations against journalists.

The second pillar was a two-day monitoring workshop that took place in The Hague in September 2022, in which representatives of eight monitoring organisations, FPU, the International Press Institute (IPI) and the Centre for Freedom of the Media (CFOM) participated.

This report forms the third pillar of the project, and sets out the main findings of the monitoring workshop and provides recommendations, best practices and suggestions, which fed into the pre-conference session on 3 November 2022 in Vienna on the topic of “monitoring of attacks”.

Year Country Organisation Author Type
2022 Colombia, Costa Rica, Indonesia, Lebanon, North Macedonia, Oman, Serbia, Somalia Free Press Unlimited Aziz, M. & Willems, L. report
Theory of Change Keywords Download/link
Intermediate Outcome 1 monitoring, SDG 16.10.1, SDG agenda, violations, violations against journalists Download/link