Breaking the Silence

This report was based on a roundtable that took place on the back of Index on Censorship’s report ‘A Gathering Storm: The Laws Being Used to Silence the Media’. The salient points from that discussion form the basis for this report. The report also includes separate inputs from three laywers: Swedish lawyer Ulf Isaksson, Italian lawyer Andrea di Pietro, and Norwegian lawyer Jon Wessel-Aas.

The report discusses the main issues around vexatious legal threats and actions, including SLAPPs, as well as potential measures that could be beneficial to journalists being faced with SLAPPs.

Author: Jessica Ní Mhainín

Year Country Organisation Author Type
2020 Europe Index on Censorship Mhainín, J.N. report
Theory of Change Keywords Download/link
Intermediate Outcome 1 slapps Download/link